» The minimalism of veganism :mnmlist

Minimal eating

Veganism, simply defined, is abstaining from animal products, from meat and fish and poultry to dairy and eggs and other such products. I also try for whole foods that are minimally processed, which means I mostly eat veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, some whole grains.

This is a limited, minimal diet, and yet it can be incredibly satisfying and maximally flavorful. It’s also very healthy, very light, and low on the budget (if you compare it to eating whole foods carnivorously).

sigue leyendo » The minimalism of veganism :mnmlist.


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Daniel Pratt

Ex-editor panfletonegro.com - ex-poeta, ex-artista callejero, ex-desarrollador, ex-ciudadano, ex-geek.

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