Habermas | An Avantgardistic Instinct for Relevances: Intellectuals and their Public

What is ultimately supposed to distinguish intellectu als from clever journalists is less the mode of presentation than the privilege of having to deal with public issues only as a sideline. They are supposed to speak out only when current events are threatening to spin out of control – but then promptly, as an early warning system.

With this we come to the sole ability which could still set intellectuals apart today, namely an avantgardistic instinct for relevances. They have to be able to get worked up about critical developments while others are still absorbed in business as usual.

Una evidencia de la claridad y la brillantez de Habermas es la capacidad que tiene a su edad de comprender y manejar los aspectos transformadores de la sociedad actual y discutir el papel de los intelectuales en una sociedad digital.

Lee el artículo completo en Habermas | Public Sphere Forum.

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Daniel Pratt

Ex-editor panfletonegro.com - ex-poeta, ex-artista callejero, ex-desarrollador, ex-ciudadano, ex-geek.

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