A prisoner of soul: How former corrections officer Sharon Jones became the latest Apollo star

Its not every former corrections officer at Rikers Island who goes on to become a headlining music star. Its even more improbable that this one made it in her 50s while singing the kinds of songs that fell out of fashion more than 40 years ago.

Regardless, 53-year-old Sharon Jones has managed to become the queen of retro-soul with her band the Dap-Kings. The longtime New Yorker just released her fourth album with the group, «I Learned the Hard Way,» a disk kicking with the old-school funk and angst of Stax hits from the 60s.

Sharon Jones es una fuerza de la naturaleza. En escena, no deja de sorprender cómo de una mujer tan pequeña puede brotar tanta energía. Que haya empezado tarde y que además haya sido carcelera, ensalzan la historia.

Sigue leyendo A prisoner of soul: How former corrections officer Sharon Jones became the latest Apollo star.

http://www.depr001.com/media/2010/100Days100Nights.mp3 (download 100 Days, 100 Nights)


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Daniel Pratt

Ex-editor panfletonegro.com - ex-poeta, ex-artista callejero, ex-desarrollador, ex-ciudadano, ex-geek.

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