British Polluters

(foto AP)

Mientras el petróleo se acumula en capas que flotan a distintas profundidades, no queda sino preguntarse qué clase de gente conduce a esta compañía.

Para completar el cuadro, un reportaje de The Guardian no hace sino señalar lo evidente: este ecocidio está amarrado a una cadena interminable de mentiras.

The oil giant has been accused of trying to withhold the full scale of the disaster. Some experts who have studied video footage of the oil spewing from the wellhead have estimated the rate of spillage at up to 13m litres a day – 14 times greater than BP’s figure.

British Polluters, indeed.

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Daniel Pratt

Ex-editor - ex-poeta, ex-artista callejero, ex-desarrollador, ex-ciudadano, ex-geek.

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