El extraordinario viaje de Morris Moel

Mark Lamster recoge el testimonio de Morris Moel, de 97 años. El último sobreviviente de los inmigrantes que llegaron a EEUU en un Red Star.

First of all, it’s a long story. My father was here [in the USA]. He came in 1913. We didn’t hear from him for many many years during World War I, and after this the revolution in Russia. Things were terrible. So we didn’t hear from my father for 12 or 13 years. We finally got a message. It came through from Warsaw, from HIAS, the Hebrew immigration society. So my mother went to Warsaw, she left us with my grandmother. She was there for two months, three months, and during that period my grandmother passed away, and my older brother who was 17 became our mother and father. And one winter day a big sleigh approaches the house and a man comes out and asks if we are the Moel family. “We’re here to take you to your mother.”

Sigue leyendo Coming to America: The Extraordinary Journey of Morris Moel at Mark Lamster.

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