El Gran Willy de Federer y David Foster Wallace

Wired hace una reseña del Gran Willy de Federer en el US Open el 30/09/10. Hay que ser una leyenda viviente para que te salga ese golpe.

Igualmente relevante es el extracto que hacen de un perfil/carta de amor que hizo David Foster Wallace en 2006 para el NYT:

A top athlete’s beauty is next to impossible to describe directly. Or to evoke. Federer’s forehand is a great liquid whip, his backhand a one-hander that he can drive flat, load with topspin, or slice — the slice with such snap that the ball turns shapes in the air and skids on the grass to maybe ankle height. His serve has world-class pace and a degree of placement and variety no one else comes close to; the service motion is lithe and uneccentric, distinctive (on TV) only in a certain eel-like all-body snap at the moment of impact. His anticipation and court sense are otherworldly, and his footwork is the best in the game — as a child, he was also a soccer prodigy. All this is true, and yet none of it really explains anything or evokes the experience of watching this man play. Of witnessing, firsthand, the beauty and genius of his game. You more have to come at the aesthetic stuff obliquely, to talk around it, or — as Aquinas did with his own ineffable subject — to try to define it in terms of what it is not.

Video: Federer’s Incredible Shot Wows US Open Fans | Playbook.

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