Políticos, he aquí como ganar | Colin Wright

En Exlie Lifestyle , Colin Wright hace una reflexión luego de un encuentro con un político neozelandés, sobre cómo estos seres podrían ganarse el corazón de los escépticos:

You know the millions and millions of dollars that politicians spend on advertising? I would take that money and spend it on causes related to my message.

I’d sponsor scientific endeavors and give money to Planned Parenthood and start a local Kiva fund and give merit-based scholarships to innovative children.

The only press I would get would be related to the good things I’d do with that campaign money. Newspapers, blogs, TV stations, they all love to talk about something new and heartwarming. I would give them story after story after story. They wouldn’t be able to get rid of me. It would be awesome.

vía Politicians, Here’s How To Win | Exile Lifestyle.

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Una afeitadora de dos hojillas | Héctor Torres

Por eso, va un consejo y este entra dentro de la promoción, pero el siguiente si se paga: calma el...
