

El fin de semana, O. y yo comentábamos todas las teorías locas que el ciclo de noticias de 24 horas se ha inventado en torno a la «misteriosa desaparición» del vuelo 370 de Malaysian Airlines.

Concluimos que la única explicación posible era que la negociación con los extraterrestres había fallado, los tentáculos de la aerolínea llegan hasta lo profundo del gobierno malayo y para que el público no perdiera confianza en la aerolínea, decidieron implicar al piloto y al copiloto en la trama inicial de los extraterrestres disfrazados de terroristas islámicos, que volaban con pasaportes falsos. Esto obviamente forma parte de una conspiración galáctica para desviar la atención de lo que pasa en Venezuela y Crimea. Porque el objetivo último es salvar al universo.

Martin Robbins en VICE, hace un recuento de otras teorías y un par de observaciones relevantes:

The Boeing 777 is the nearest thing to real magic that most of us will experience in our lifetimes. It’s made of 3 million parts from 500 suppliers; it works in perfect harmony for millions upon millions of miles while maintaining a safety record any car manufacturer would kill for. To call it a miracle would be an insult to the skill and effort of the thousands of engineers responsible for the design and construction of the planes, but each time one of these contraptions makes a successful flight, it should be hailed as an extraordinary achievement.

(esto me recordó lo que dice Louis CK en «everything’s amazing and nobody’s happy»)


The irony is that buried in this avalanche of speculation there are some really interesting stories that have been largely ignored. How is it, for example, that for all the supposed increases in airline security in the wake of 9/11, checkpoints at airports are so bad that people with stolen passports can apparently travel at will? And why is it that in an era of high-speed 4G broadband, when 40-year-old technology cantransmit data back from beyond the edge of the solar system, we still have to send ships and divers to retrieve data from a plane, rather than simply transmitting it in real time?

Sigue leyendo Here Be Dragons: Cutting Through the Bullshit Surrounding Flight MH370

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