The Friend | Matthew Teague


Cuando le diagnosticaron cáncer a su esposa, su mejor amigo se mudó con ellos para ayudarlos. Una de esas cosas inexplicables, un error en la cadena usual de eventos.

Este relato me destruyó. Hubo un par de momentos que tuve que hacer una pausa y enfocarme en otra cosa, porque es super duro. A la vez, es una historia muy honesta y descarnada sobre la amistad, la solidaridad irracional y tiene algunos pasajes que describen, como nunca lo he leído, lo que se siente acompañar a un enfermo terminal.

For months, we tried to catch it with everything from colostomy bags to special gauzes to cloth diapers, but the stomach acid would burn through any adhesive and eventually started eating her flesh. There was no stopping it. There were only more narcotics for the pain.

These physical horrors, though, were nothing compared to what would come.

I told our family counselor, Julia, I knew things would get worse. «If I have to put her in a backpack and carry her to the chemo ward, I’ll do it if it means getting an extra day with her.»

Julia is a kind woman, but honest. «Before this is over,» she said, «you will long for it to end.»

Puedes leer el resto aquí: The Friend.

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