Damage | Mariya Karimjee


Esta es una de las historias más duras que he leído en mucho tiempo:

Then I broached the subject with my boyfriend: I wanted to have sex before the end of summer. “I don’t want you to stop even if I look like it’s hurting me,” I told him. He grimaced, but I repeated the statement again and then again. His quiet acquiescence was disarming, so I gripped his wrists tightly and stared at him directly. “I need you to do this for me,” I told him.

La razón de porqué Mariya Karimjee prácticamente conminó a su novio a tener sexo, a sabiendas de que sería una experiencia horrible, se irá desvelando en el texto.

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Modern day Romeo & Juliet | CEOP

Me encantan los videos que hace el Centro de Explotación y Protección en Línea de Menores (CEOP —una agencia de...
