
50 sombras de Modok

Miss Kavanagh.» He extends an armored hand to me once I’m upright. «You find yourself before MODOK. BEHOLD MODOK! Are you all right? Would you like to sit in a chair that is probably not designed for efficient electrocution?» So unusual – and attractive, very attractive. He’s not tall, dressed in a fine yellow exoskeleton, […]

BuzzFeed, una organización en la cúspide de su oficio

Paul Ford sobre cómo Buzzfeed manejó The Dress: What I saw, as I looked through the voluminous BuzzFeed coverage of the dress, is an organization at the peak of a craft they’ve been honing since 2006. They are masters of the form they pioneered. If you think that’s bullshit, that’s fine—I think most things are […]


En esta ciudad que descansa sobre quimeras, paso frente a un bar y me doy cuenta de que Fitzcarraldo está en la tele. En la barra, una mujer, un transexual, mira hipnotizada a Klaus Kinski. Estamos en El Callao y hay un barco a vapor incrustado en el puente sobre el Yuruari, en Kalgoorlie, donde un camión se […]