What If Everyone on Twitter Read One Book? | Epicenter | Wired.com

What if everyone on Twitter read the same book at the same time and we formed one massive, international book club? Usually such programs are organized by big-city libraries. Seattle started the trend for collective reading in 1998 when zillions of Seattlites all read Russell Banks’ book, Sweet Hereafter. Chicago followed suit with To Kill […]

Climate Hackers Want to Write Their Own Rules | Wired Science | Wired.com

This week, 200 scientists will gather in an attempt to determine how research into the possibilities of geoengineering the planet to combat climate change should proceed.They say it’s necessary because of the riskiness and scale of the experiments that could be undertaken — and the moral implications of their work to intentionally alter the Earth’s […]

Venezuela, el gran ‘balneario’ de ETA · ELPAÍS.com

El pasado lunes, antes de que se hiciera pública la orden de detención dictada por la Audiencia Nacional, Cubillas seguía en su despacho del Inte en Caracas. Un miembro de la Guardia Nacional acompañó al periodista hasta la Oficina de Atención al Campesino y un agente de seguridad confirmó su presencia. «El señor Cubillas está […]