
Todos los lugares son Rusia


“What are you doing? You cannot give me money. This is not Russia!”

“Everywhere is Russia,” said Mr. Rybakov philosophically. “Everywhere you go . . . Russia.”

“Now I want you to place your upturned palm on the table,” Vladimir instructed. “I will quickly throw the money in there, you put the money in your wallet, and we shall consider this matter closed.”

“Even if I do grow back my hair, that’s only half the battle. I’ll still be old. I’ll still be a . . . What did you call me?”

“An interloper.”

“Oh, God.”


“But after this nonencounter with Fran, he ordered the driver to the airport. There was nothing more to be done. America, it seemed, was not entirely defenseless against the likes of Vladimir Girshkin. There was a sorting mechanism at work by which the beta immigrant was discovered, branded by an invisible ß on his forehead, and eventually rounded up and put on the next plane back to some dank Amatevka”

The Russian Debutante’s Handbook


Una granada de matemáticas


Vía snarkmarket:

The Curta is a mechanical calculator, but to say that seems to do it injustice. It can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and even square roots and more. Gibson describes it as “heavy, dense, knurled for gripping”, seemingly “executed by a small-arms manufacturer” while “the sensation of its operation is best likened to that of winding a fine thirty-five millimeter camera.” It also just looks really freaking cool. Like a hand grenade of math.


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Facebook y el contagio emocional


En un momento Soylent Green is people, Facebook acaba de revelar que perpetraron un experimento psicológico contra sus usuarios para estudiar el efecto de las noticas positivas y negativas en el estado de ánimo de  600.000 usuarios: Evidencia experimental de contagio emocional a escala masiva en redes sociales.

Además de ser su principal producto, somos también sus conejillos de indias.

(todos los conspiparanoicos deben estar haciéndose pipí de la emoción. Por fin una de sus teorías tiene algún asidero en la realidad)

Sabemos que no vamos a dejar de usar Facebook así como así. No nos engañemos. Así que te dejo dos consejos para contrarrestar los efectos de sus próximos experimentos:

1. Cambia el ajuste de noticias para que muestre las más recientes y no las más «relevantes» (porque ¿quién decide la relevancia?)

Screen Shot 2014-06-29 at 12.08.44 PM

2. No te agobies por lo que leas en Facebook ;)

Vía The Atlantic.